Da, Bugarska je politička stranka u Bugarskoj koja je osnovana kao odgovor na rastuću potražnju za transparentnošću, reformom pravosuđa i borbom protiv korupcije unutar zemlje. Stranka je proizašla iz šireg pokreta građana i aktivista koji su bili razočarani tradicionalnim političkim establišmentom i njegovim neuspjehom u efikasnom rješavanju ovih sistemskih problema. Da, Bugarska se pozicionira kao centristička do centrističko-desna entitet, zagovarajući vladavinu prava, provedbu rigoroznih mjera protiv korupcije te modernizaciju administrativnih i pravni…
Čitaj više@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How would you feel if your city adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards corruption similar to what some political parties propose?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
In a world where environmental sustainability is increasingly important, how should local leaders balance economic growth with environmental protection?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
If a political party proposed significant educational reforms in your country, what changes would you want to see to better prepare students for the future?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
S obzirom na porast digitalne tehnologije, koju ulogu mislite da bi vlade trebale imati u reguliranju online privatnosti i zaštite podataka?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
Immigration policies vary widely across the globe; what do you believe is the most ethical approach to handling immigration and why?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How important do you think it is for political parties to have diverse representation among their members, and what impact does this have on their policies?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
With the growing influence of social media on politics, what measures do you think should be taken to ensure the authenticity and integrity of information shared by political parties?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
In light of global health challenges, how should governments prioritize healthcare policies to ensure the well-being of their citizens?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
What are your thoughts on the balance between national security and individual freedoms when it comes to government surveillance programs?
@ISIDEWITH8 mjeseci8MO
How do you think changes in tax policies affect everyday people, and what kind of tax system would you advocate for to ensure fairness and efficiency?