When the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was enacted in 2010 it required all states to expand their Medicaid programs to include people with incomes slightly higher than those allowed under traditional Medicaid, as well as groups, like childless adults, that had not previously been covered. In 2012 the Supreme Court ruled that forcing States to expand their Medicaid coverage was unconstitutional. Since then 22 states have expanded their coverage and more than 35 have opted not to do so. Proponents of the expansion argue that it will lower healthcare costs for everyone by reducing the number of Americans without health insurance. Opponents argue that states should be allowed to run their own Medicaid programs without the intervention of the federal government.
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Only for those who actually need it.
Personally, I would prefer Medicaid to be abolished but each state should decide what coverage, if any at all, should be allowed
Yes but don’t raise taxes for it
Yes but they have to be elderly, disabled, or have kids.
Give it to people that actually need it.
Yes, but only for individuals who are physically unable to work, disabled, or elderly
No, government should not be involved in healthcare unless it applies to federal employees.
its broken, its helpful but its built to keep the poor poor
Yes, I support the funding for both low income and middle income citizens.
Abolish both Medicaid and Medicare.
Yes, It is the role of the country to protect the people's right to life.
Yes, protecting life of people is fungtion of government.
Yes, but only for citizens of the United States
Yes, but only give it to people that actually need it.
Only give it to people that actually need it.
Basic healthcare for every citizen and private care for those who want to pay.
Basic healthcare for all but allow private care for those who want to pay.
Only give it to those who actually need it.
Regardless, everybody needs to know how to spend less money while still living well. Perhaps all people reveieing government aid should be required to take a quiz on finances, take a course if their quiz score is too low, and manage their finances with certain criteria to ensure they are only getting as much help as they really need.
Medicaid is unsustainable. We must keep the commitments we have already made by funding those existing requirements then gradually privatize Medicaid.
No, the system is to help those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and also families because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it.
No, the system is to help those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and also for families as well because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it. The solution to our lack of adequate healthcare for our citizens is more complicated than increasing funding for one program. We need a comprehensive plan to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all our citizens.
No, the system is to help those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and also families as well because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it.
Yes, but only to those who actually are in need of it. Don't just give it out to just anyone. There needs to be legitimate reason for a person to receive free health insurance. It shouldn't be something that's used unless needed in certain circumstances.
Yes, but only to those who actually are in need of it. Don't just give it out to just anyone. There needs to be legitimate reason for a person to receive free health insurance. It shouldn't be something that's used unless needed in certain circumstances. However, we should let each state decide their own coverage and Medicare programs.
Yes, but only to those who actually are in need of it. Don't just give it out to just anyone. There needs to be legitimate reason for a person to receive free health insurance. It shouldn't be something that's used unless needed in certain circumstances. However, we should let each state decide their own healthcare system and coverage.
No, the system is to help only those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and families because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it. Otherwise, it should be a decision that should be decided and addressed on the state/local level.
No, the system is to help those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and also families because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it. Also, let each state decide their own coverage.
No, switch to a single payer healthcare system with copayments and supplementary private insurers.
Yes, but only to those who actually are in need of it. Don't just give it out to just anyone. It shouldn't be something that's used unless needed in certain circumstances. However, we should let each state decide their own healthcare coverage.
Yes, but we should reform the system to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens, so people don't abuse it. However, eligibility should only include those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, children or families, not just give it out to anyone else. Other than that, we should also put more money towards unemployment and getting people into jobs.
Yes, but we should reform the system to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens, and eligibility should only include those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and children. Other than that, we should also put more money towards unemployment and getting people into jobs.
Yes, but we should reform the system to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens, and eligibility should only include those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and families not just give it out to anyone else, so people cannot abuse it. Other than that, we should also put more money towards unemployment and getting people into jobs.
No, the system is to help only those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and families because they cannot do so by themselves. Increasing this will only encourage more to people to manipulate the system to benefit themselves when they are not the ones who need it. Therefore, we need a comprehensive plan to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens.
Yes, but we should reform the current system to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens, and increase funding only for those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, and families with children. Other than that, we should also put more money towards unemployment and getting people into jobs.
Yes, but we should reform the system to provide consistent and reliable healthcare to all citizens, so people cannot abuse it. However, eligibility should only include those in need of coverage, such as the elderly, disabled, children or families, not just give it out to anyone else. Other than that, we should also put more money towards unemployment and getting people into jobs.
Yes, but only increase children under 14 years old, the elderly and disabled.
No, and activate a public health care option
I do not support medicaid as it is a huge reason healthcare is so expensive in the first place. There is no incentive for the healthcare system to lower prices when the government stimulates it with as much money as necessary. People getting cheaper healthcare is great, but Medicaid is making healthcare on average higher, and throwing money by the ton fulls into our national debt. Medicaid was made in the 60's and on trend has skyrocketed healthcare cost for people without insurance or other things of the sort.
No, but I think that our healthcare system is both too superfluous but also for-profit. We spend way more than any other well-developed country but our care is behind the 8-ball. I think it needs to be changed from the ground-up whether it becomes single-payer or a series of changes.
Take the funding form other government programs like defense spending.
No, and put tighter fraud controls in place with reviews for marriage and collective household income.
Yes, but a combination of single-player and private organization would offer the most choices to all
Yes, but the government would need to find other ways to get that money maybe by having those who receive this program provide for the community in some way.
Yes, but not through Medicaid and through an improved system.
Yes, but the health care system should be privatized, and the government should stop favoring big, pharmaceutical companies.
Yes but don’t fund it through taxes
don't have a stance on this
yes, but only for those who can not afford it
Yes. But only if you are working hard as is to help yourself get by, not just for the free healthcare.
I'm satisfied with the current amount of spending.
Nothing is free and if anything our government should not allow the greed of the drug companies or any of the medical procedures.
Half and half in regards to this topic.
I believe there should be a system of record for those using Medicaid and who are actively seeking employment. There should be criteria that go along with Medicaid.
No, level of coverage should be up to the states and/or local governments since circumstances change across the country.
yes, but it should depend on the severity of how sick or injured they are.
Yes, but only to increase the number of people who qualify. The quality of the healthcare provided is appropriate.
Yes, but depending on the people.
Regardless, the federal government should work with states to close the coverage gap and improve cost
No provide a universal credit through a government backed HSA and abolich Medicaid
Maintain same level but enact HSAs to involve patients in the cosy savings effort
No they should keep the funding the same as it is now
No, the states should have their own level of coverage though overall elderly and disabled should be taken care of by all states
Yes, so the families are stable.
Yes, but more care should be taken in only helping those who deserve it and not anyone who might be taking advantage of the system.
Yes, but I prefer to combine Medicare & Medicaid under a national Public Option.
Yes, but I prefer abolishing government insurance while mandating private insurance, paid via payroll taxes
No, I prefer abolishing government insurance while mandating private insurance, paid via payroll taxes
Maybe, but I prefer switching to a all-payer healthcare system.
Yes, but build public health infrastructure (government-owned hospitals) that offer more affordable healthcare
No, let the help and actions come from charities/non-profits that care from the heart
No, but create a split system where basic needs and medicine are provided by our military facilities and more advanced or elective medical needs (such as cancer, cosmetic surgery, or personal choice of doctors) should be private insurance
No, we should abolish health insurers and make it illegal to charge people for services they didn’t use
A Constitutional Amendment should be passed defining health care within life liberty and the pursuit of happiness, it should be taxed based on ability to pay the tax (richer pay more), and that should be the end of the argument.
No, we have more than enough spending in this sector and need to merely restructure the entirety of our system away from benefitting insurance companies and rather control the prices for life saving procedures, drugs and cover all people equally and without direct payment at the time of suffering.
Implement a UBI instead so people can have money to buy a private health insurance plan.
Yes it will make it easier for people who can’t afford health care
If we actually force the two parties to return to the general fund of the US government all of the monies it has "ripped off" in the name of campaign reform we could fully fund a number of programs. Maybe that should be the initial question as opposed to asking absolutely absurd questions like these.
Yes, and the expansion of each state's Medicaid coverage should be mandatory
I agree with supporting the Medicaid system to a certain extent because of the people who abuse it. For example, if you're working a full-time job or have other reasons regarding why you can't afford private insurance, then it should be an option.
All medical care should be covered through taxes.
Within reason. We need to focus on the massive amounts of fraud in the system to make Medicaid more efficient and spending dollars appropriately.
Yes because if you can't afford it you should still have the same opportunities to make sure your health is all good. Along with making sure that everyone is able to get their medications no matter the cost.
No, and healthcare should be free to all, and give small amounts of money to the disabled homeless, a tad bit less for the homeless and disabled who doesn't have the other's problem alongside their own equally, a bit less than that for disabled low-income individuals, a smaller amount than that to elderly low-income citizens, and a large fraction of that to low-income people who have homes and the elderly separately the same amount of money from healthcare.
No, I support Universal Healthcare for ALL
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