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11 Replies


Individual athletic organizations should come up with their own rules on how to allow transgender athletes to participate without giving them an unfair advantage/disadvantage.


Individual athletic organizations should come up with their own rules on how to allow transgender athletes to participate without giving them an unfair advantage/disadvantage. The governing bodies should also have oversight committees to ensure no individual or class of athlete is unfairly burdened by these rules or policies.

 @926BVSY from Missouri  answered…3yrs3Y

I would say if they did do that it would have to be agreed with all of the other people that around them and in that area. I would just say make sure with everyone before you do it.

 @8PSZWPL from Connecticut  answered…4yrs4Y


Yes, and the separation of gender/sex in sports is sexist and unnecessary. There are plenty of women athletes that perform better than men but are held to different standards that change how their accomplishments are viewed.

 @73MMLPT from Texas  answered…3yrs3Y

No, they should have a separate sport competition for transgender people.

 @8HVGFR3 from New York  answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, they should be allowed to compete in olympic events but compete in the event based on the sex they were born initially.

 @8W9KX2R from Idaho  answered…3yrs3Y

No, unless they have mostly the same physical stats as the people they are competing with

 @8Y5H9DW from Wisconsin  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, athletic competition is unfair by nature as it is naturally fuelled not only by training (controllable) but also by biology (uncontrollable). Extremes are present even within the sexes. Athletics should be separated not by gender or sex, but by skill.

 @93RQL4H from Massachusetts  answered…3yrs3Y