The average retired federal employee receives a pension (retirement plan) of $32,824 annually. Total unfunded pension liability for all U.S. cities and counties is an estimated $574 billion. In addition to their pensions, federal employees are offered a 401(k) plus 5% matching, whereas the average private employee is offered 3 percent matching of 401(k) without pension.
Narrow down the conversation to these participants:
Yes, employees should have the option to manage their pension plan if they want to choose between public or private accounts, but give incentives for private accounts to ensure that the worker will not lose any money if he chooses to privatize his pension plan.
Yes, employees should have the option to manage their pension plan, if they want to (A) choose between public or private accounts, or (B) switch their pension plan to a privately managed account; but give incentives for private accounts to ensure that the worker will not lose any money if he chooses to privatize his pension plan.
No, pension should be abolished
Yes, everyone has an option to switch his/her pension plan to a privately managed account, but give incentives for private accounts to ensure that the worker will not lose any money if he chooses to privatize his pension plan.
Yes, it's the worker's choice but give incentives for private accounts and ensure that the worker will not lose any money if he chooses to privatize his pension plan.
I’m uneducated on this issue
Yes, it should the be worker's choice but give incentives for private accounts and ensure that the worker will not lose any money if he chooses to privatize his pension plan.
Yes, it is their option to switch his/her pension plan to a privately managed account, but give incentives for private accounts and ensure that the worker will not lose any money if he chooses to privatize his pension plan.
Yes, it is their option to switch his/her pension plan to a privately managed account but give incentives for private accounts and ensure that the worker will not lose any money if he chooses to privatize his pension plan.
Yes, it is their own choice to switch his/her pension plan to a privately managed account, but give incentives for private accounts to ensure that the worker will not lose any money if he chooses to privatize his pension plan.
Yes, employees should have the option to manage their pension plan, if they want to a) choose between public or private accounts, or b) switch their pension plan to a privately managed account, but give incentives for private accounts to ensure that the worker will not lose any money if he chooses to privatize his pension plan.
Yes, employees should have the option to manage their pension plan, if they want to choose between public or private accounts, or switch their pension plan into a privately managed account, but give incentives for private accounts to ensure that the worker will not lose any money if he chooses to privatize his pension plan.
I think it should the be workers choice but give incentives for private accounts and insure that the worker will not lose any money if they choose to privatizetheir pension plan.
Government work shouldn't exist, all work done by the government can and should be done by the free market at a cheaper cost
Yes, completely eliminate all new government pensions effective immediately.
No, all new employees should be enrolled in 403b plans instead.
I don't have enough understanding to have an opinion.
Yes, but we should create a cutoff point for younger generations and allow current recipients to maintain their current pension plans. This allows a transition time too, so that younger generations pensions will go directly into privately managed accounts.
Government workers should also have the choice to decide on their own on whether they prefer privately managed accounts.
Yes, but it should be an optional transition and the choice of publicly managed accounts should still exist.
Yes, If its managed by the beneficiary
No, but I think it should be the workers' choice, therefore give incentives for private accounts and insure that the worker will not lose any money if they chooses to privatize their pension plan
Only if the privately managed accounts are guaranteed, with penalties to the fiduciaries for failure to grow the wealth at all times. If the pensions go away, social security will have to pick up the gap or people won't be retiring which raises medical costs.
This depends. I want the best interest of the peoples money in mind.
It should be decided at the state level
Stop all future workers' pension plans and make all retirement plans the same as 401k. Politicians should have term limits, lower salaries, and should NOT be able to get a pension for life.
Yes, but only for 1) future workers and 2) current workers who agree.
Give them the choice to choose
The worker should have the choice of where to keep his account
It should be up to the employee on what they want
Yes, but with a lot of restrictions for those who can manage them and what they can do with them
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