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Political party:
Yes, only to lower the prices
No, but support people who don't have money
No, but support people who do not have enough money.
Life saving drugs should be free of charge.
Yes, but only for drugs funded by the government via grants and research from public universities.
No, but support people who do not have money to buy it.
No, but allow the government to negotiate drug prices for medicare
Yes, but only to lower the prices.
Yes, and eliminate patents for life-saving drugs
Only to lower the prices
Drug prices should be lower
Yes, only to lower the price.
No, limiting drug prices would also limit the investment in research and development into new life-saving drugs, but require pharmaceutical companies to provide free or discounted life-saving drugs for low-income patients.
No, limiting drug prices would also limit the investment in research and development into new life-saving drugs. However, require pharmaceutical companies to provide free or discounted life-saving drugs for low-income patients.
No in theory, but it should investigate when companies raise the price of a drug dramatically.
Yes, its costs should be decreased to make them affordable for everyone, but funds for additional research and development of live-saving drugs should be made available. It should only be implemented if when the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low income people aren't able to afford these drugs.
Yes, its costs should be decreased to make them affordable for everyone, but funds for additional research and development of live-saving drugs should be made available. It should only be implemented if the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low income people aren't able to afford these drugs.
Yes, to decrease costs but not by regulating it. It should be implemented only if when the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low income people aren't able to afford these drugs.
Yes, its costs should be decreased if the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low income people aren't able to afford these drugs, but funds for additional research and development of live-saving drugs should be made available.
Yes, its costs should be decreased if the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low-income people aren't able to afford these drugs, but funds for additional research and development of prescription drugs should be made available.
Yes, its costs should be decreased if the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low-income people aren't able to afford these drugs, but funds for additional research and development of live-saving drugs should be made available.
Yes, its costs should be decreased to make them affordable for everyone but funds for additional research and development of live-saving drugs should be made available. It should only be implemented if when the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low income people aren't able to afford these drugs.
Yes, if the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low-income people aren't able to afford these drugs, but funds for additional research and development of life-saving drugs should be made available.
Yes, its costs should be decreased if the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low-income people aren't able to afford these drugs, but funds for additional research and development of life-saving drugs should be made available.
Yes, if the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low-income people aren't able to afford these drugs. But funds for additional research and development of life-saving drugs should be made available.
Yes, and we should shorten the lifespan of drug patents
Yes, while ensuring that funding is available and that successes are well-rewarded with tax dollars.
Yes, but the government shouldn't regulate it.
No, but the government should have its own drug manufacturing company that produces drugs at more affordable prices.
Single payer would negate the need
Yes, I am generally against setting price controls but life-saving drugs are extremely inelastic in demand allowing companies to extort patients. The government should have a limited national insurance program that is allowed to negotiate drug prices down.
Yes, I am generally against setting price controls but life-saving drugs are generally inelastic in demand allowing companies to patients.
No, unless in the case of a national emergency or something
Yes, as long as we don’t limit the investment in research and development into new life-saving drugs
Life saving drugs should be more affordable and accesible
Yes, only when the prices of drugs are getting out of hand and a majority of low-income people aren't able to afford these drugs.
The government should subsidize research and development of life-saving drugs to reduce the price.
No, but abolish IP laws for general technologies (ie drug formulas), and allow for a truly free-market healthcare system
yes and shorten lifespan of patents
Yes. Insulin should not be $300
Regardless, make the drugs more affordable.
National drug prices are above the allocatively efficient rate within the US due to poor intellectual property policy on the foreign market and predatory pricing by nationalized healthcare systems outside of the US. This is more of a foreign policy issue than a health policy issue.
Yes, but only if reasonability and competition is possible
Yes, but only as a last resort in the case of a monopoly in an industry.
Yes, but only if it's for medicare.
No, price regulation increases the price of medicine. Allow competition in the industry instead.
No, the government should break up the pharma monopolies
let companies compete to get the lowest drug price possible.
At most, the government should only be allowed to set a price ceiling for life-saving drugs.
No except in cases of drugs developed using federal funding, as research and development cost concerns do not apply.
No, but Price Transparency should be enforced
Change patent laws. Make patents for such things a right to royalty rather than monopoly.
Laws to stop price gouging, yes. We should allow international pharmaceutical companies here too, this will create competition to stop inflating prices.
No, abolish drug patenting instead
Only in life threatening situations
Open the markets, the price will go down if there is competition and private businesses won't be able to monopolize.
No, but remove patent protections for the production of drugs like insulin
Yes, but the government should also invest more into research and development
Yes, but not so much that it would limit investment in research and development of new life-saving drugs
In terms of drugs such as insulin that someone needs to survive there should be no price on that as it is essentially forcing someone to pay a tax to live. It seems inhumane to me that the government would force people to pay money every single month in order to stay alive.
Yes, put price ceilings on life-saving drugs until their patent expiry dates, however I'd prefer fully eliminating drug patents and allowing for international importation as well
If a live saving drug reaches a certain percentage of patients who can't afford it lets say for example 5-10% then the government should be able adjust the price accordingly and reasonably.
Healthcare, including medicine, should be free to all citizens
I am against govt regulating private industry. As we sit today though these drug companies are pillaging the people so a temporary regulation of prices must be done until we can figure out how the free market can bring the price down.
Yes, if the prices are reasonable for the average person.
No, the government should regulate insurance companies so they can't get rebates from pharma companies which drives up the price for the consumer or some other kind regulation/incentive to stop insurance companies from using these shady businesses tactics.
The government should get involved in any matter that concerns life and death. The prices for live-saving medication should absolutely be regulated.
yes, the price of most drugs cost way less they are sold more for profit than helping people.
No, there are many families who end up needing these drugs and cannot pay for them because the price is too high.
No, we should go to a single payer system so all the publicly funded labs can license their IP to privately owned manufactures
No, this should be done at a state and local level
No, but abolish medical and scientific patents, and allow citizens to imports drugs and services from abroad, in addition life saving drugs should be covered by the nations public healthcare plan.
Yes Only for those that are approved by the people of the United States Of America to save lives
yes some of them are supper expencive and need to be brought down
For some drugs like insulin or epipen
Personally I think the drugs they give to us are made for us to get addicted so should we have a price on drugs that's saving a person's life no we shouldn't but also once that medicine helps the person live watch them get addicted.
Yes, only to lower them.
Yes, But only for life saving or highly required Drugs, anything else needs to be the same or research could decrease from lack of funding.
Yes, only to lower the prices.
Yes, the FDA should have cost justification - allow for profit but not usurious prices (i.e. the EpiPen).
Only to lower said price.
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